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Writer's pictureEvan Combs

Non-Economic Damages Victims Can Recover

Accident Lawyer

When a personal injury accident occurs, the impact can extend far beyond financial losses. Personal injuries often result in significant physical, emotional, and psychological damages that can disrupt a person’s life. While economic damages such as medical expenses and lost wages are commonly acknowledged, non-economic damages are equally important and can be recovered in a personal injury claim. Victims of personal injury accidents can expect to recover different types of non-economic damages. 

Pain and Suffering

The emotional distress that a victim suffers after an accident, whether it’s short-term or long-term, is known as pain and suffering. It encompasses the pain, discomfort, and limitations endured by the victim, as well as any long-term consequences. Although pain and suffering are subjective, experienced personal injury attorneys can help quantify these damages and negotiate fair compensation.

Emotional Distress

Post-traumatic stress disorder is one the most common mental disorders that personal injury accident victims develop, as a accident lawyer like one from Davis, Johnosn & Kallal often sees in their cases. These emotional damages can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life, relationships, and ability to perform daily activities. Compensation for emotional distress aims to address the psychological impact of the accident and facilitate access to appropriate treatments or therapies.